Writings of my life in the Marines, as a veteran, other veteran’s stories told, observations, and a hope to improve communication between the veteran and civilian world
We separated for about 6 months. My wife and children went out to Colorado to live with friends, while I packed up my meager possessions I had left and PCS’d (Permanent Change of Station) to...
"Glad we cleared this up. Don’t worry, I won’t ever be back, so I won’t waste anymore of your time, and you won’t waste any of mine.” To which I got up, walked out of...
...two therapists later, with no good answers, and a severe lack of trust in the mental health profession as a whole. So how did I get here? I’m here, now what?...
So much that could be said this November 10. So much that should be and so much that should not be said. Emotions have been raw this year as the sun sets on twenty years...
Windows down, the V8 pulling me along, a cool breeze brushes my face, blowing past my ear like the top of a bottle. It’s a song that I’ve waited months to hear, the end of...
What we did MATTERED, it was for something. Those that say we never should have been there speak from ignorance. They haven't seen the evil that some of us have, thank God we could spare...
I was recently invited to speak to a high school psychology class (over Zoom) about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. I take pleasure speaking to youth that are willing to listen. Dispelling myths and expressing truth...
Two years post retirement, I was sitting in the back of my drafting class listening to the young people. I couldn’t relate. What was important, perspective on current events, and the exploits of free time...
Marines are obsessed with the Corps. We’re taught its birthday, history, its traditions (good, bad, spoken, and implied), and the basic skills to be a rudimentary rifleman before we ever learn our occupational specialty. “On...
One the reasons I started Mental Grenade was to discuss the divide between the military and civilian communities. A communication gap exists that causes silence and/or misunderstandings. When someone finds out you’re a veteran, often...
Before there was a veteran, a civilian existed. In a small city in southern Virginia, I was born into a strict household. My father was a veteran of the Air Force and my mother’s father...