Today, April 23rd, is National Grief-in-Public Day. Ok, so honestly I had no idea this was a thing until recently when I stumbled across an Instagram post about it. Why create a “National Day” you might ask? What better way to raise awareness & change the cultural narrative (dare I say stigma) about grieving in public?
If you’ve read any of my posts about my brother or my dad you know that I don’t shy away from talking about my grief, but today isn’t about me or my writing. No, today I want to give you all an opportunity to share your grief. Remember those you love. Remember that you can be simultaneously happy & sad.
Today is your day. Introduce us to them through pictures or words, or both. We are eager & ready to meet them. Comment below or create your own post somewhere, or just call a friend & share . Get the word out that it’s perfectly ok to grieve & to talk about it.


Who is Erika E?
Erika is a 6-year Army vet turned IT geek who drinks copious amounts of coffee & isn’t afraid of struggle. When she’s not working, she loves writing, reading, & NOT arithmetic (but can calculate as needed). Oh, & as you’ll see from her posts, she doesn’t shy away from tough topics.
Got a story you want to share? Email her at
These Veteran stories of struggle, adventure, and post traumatic growth need to be heard!
Join the cause to de-stigmatize mental health issues.
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March 30, 2023 16:09thank you for posting about National Grief in Public Day – (2022)- 🙂 We heard about it for the first time last year and had a small event in Victoria BC. We are actively planning for this year’s NGIPD and are doing more research about where this day originated. I’d love to know more about how you heard and if you are planning to do anything to honour the day this year? Shylene @
TsunamiBot - CainS
April 24, 2022 12:53I miss my mom, Debra Jo Davis. 2009, Cancer. Gary San Sauer, my Stepdad, the following year, decades of living horribly and alcoholism, add in smoking. I miss my living alcoholic, but years in recovery middle brother. We had a falling out. Ending living relationships bring just as painful grief as the ones that ended from death. I strongly feel that way. Staying in a toxic relationship brings on the same level of grief, we long for the original relationships we fell in love with.
Erika E
April 26, 2022 23:22Thank you for sharing. ❤️