Today, April 23rd, is National Grief-in-Public Day. Ok, so honestly I had no idea this was a thing until recently when I stumbled across an Instagram post about it. Why create a “National Day” you might ask? What better way to raise awareness & change the cultural narrative (dare I say stigma) about grieving in public?

If you’ve read any of my posts about my brother or my dad you know that I don’t shy away from talking about my grief, but today isn’t about me or my writing. No, today I want to give you all an opportunity to share your grief. Remember those you love. Remember that you can be simultaneously happy & sad.

Today is your day. Introduce us to them through pictures or words, or both. We are eager & ready to meet them. Comment below or create your own post somewhere, or just call a friend & share . Get the word out that it’s perfectly ok to grieve & to talk about it.

My family


Who is Erika E?

Who is Erika E?

Erika is a 6-year Army vet turned IT geek who drinks copious amounts of coffee & isn’t afraid of struggle. When she’s not working, she loves writing, reading, & NOT arithmetic (but can calculate as needed). Oh, & as you’ll see from her posts, she doesn’t shy away from tough topics.

Got a story you want to share? Email her at

These Veteran stories of struggle, adventure, and post traumatic growth need to be heard!
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