Check out my new photo site HERE.

I feel this burden of “journalistic integrity” when I write for Mental Grenade. It’s kind of insane really. I have found much humility in researching topics for this blog. I have often set about writing on a topic and while reading about it, find that my perception on the subject was far from reality.

Rather than twisting my findings to prove my original point, I take the time to present what I hope to be a well balanced view of the subject. But WHY? I’m not a published journalist. SO few people read this blog, even less than when it started. (There are a lot of reasons for that, chief among them, the discrimination of social media algorithms.) Why don’t I just lie and say what you want to hear? What I want to be true?
That’s what all the real “journalists” are doing.

I guess my faith in Christ causes me to speak truth. If I don’t know the truth, I go searching for it. I care more about integrity and honesty than I do readership. I hope you know that when you read something here (non-fiction) it’s as straight-shooting as I can make it.

Sure, I have my own preconceived notions and everyone is bias despite what they say or their best efforts to the contrary. Politically I’m an independent but I am more conservative in thought. I’d like to think I’m middle-right but it all depends on YOUR point of view.

I want to be hard-hitting and relevant but what does that mean to you? (put it in the comments section at the bottom of the page.) Ultimately I write for myself. This blog isn’t monetized in any way. I pay hundreds of dollars a year to keep this website going and feed you my thoughts. It’s one of serval forms of therapy I’m actively engaged in. I think about MG all the time but in executing my daily life, there’s not much ROI here.

I know in a few years I’ll be writing more consistently, and publishing more photographs, but in the mean time, I’m inwardly focused on my family. I hope you are too. I’ve witnessed the meltdown of too many families to take mine lightly.

What’s it worth to you?

This holiday season I want you to ask yourself. “What’s this worth to me?”
In other words, is what you’re spending your brain power and time on worthwhile?

I’m constantly evaluating how I spend my time. I wasted far too much in my life before and now I want to have maximum impact. ROI must be high. I’m still working it out. I’m still giving my time to things that aren’t as crucial as I desire. Some of that is for the sake of community and others are compromises I need to rectify. Are you satisfied with your current outcomes?

Making the most of it

I had another colonoscopy recently. Yes, it went well, thanks for asking. I’m only 42 and that’s my 4th? (I try not to think about them). I think the burn pits in Afghanistan jacked up my guts and nothing has been the same since. I’ll spare you the history of my colon…

The point is, I have spent more time recently with books. I’m a SLOW reader. I think blast over-pressure has exacerbated the issue and so most books I consume are “audio.” But I think I get more and retain more from print books. Perhaps the slower pace of consumption allows me to better encode the information. Perhaps the fact that I underline, highlight, and write notes in the margins makes me revisit the material again later.

I’m just getting mad at myself for watching as much TV as I do. It’s not a ton, but I come away feeling guilty. Life’s too short to spend it staring at a screen… even if that’s what I’m doing now, LOL. If you’re reading this, I’m not trying to make you feel guilty. I’m actually applauding you for reading right now.

I just read a statement, yesterday, from a YouTube creator about how he is happier when he’s NOT engaging in social media. Despite the fact that it was directly responsible for making him successful, he’s finding more joy from unplugging and living life in the moment.

Online interactions can take us to where we aren’t, make us care about things that don’t matter, and cause us to want more than we need, spend more than we have, and find more reasons to be unhappy.
But being present in the moment, right here, right now – it’s a chance for you to be grateful for all that you have. Maybe you’re not where you want to be. Maybe you’re not how you want to be. But you can still be thankful for what you DO have.

Thank you

Thank you for reading this blog. Thank you for being with me on my journey of healing and rehabilitation. Make the most of everyday. Take account of how you spend your minutes. Hopefully the last few you spent reading this don’t feel like a waste. 😉

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Drew founded Mental Grenade Jan 2020. He is a follower of Jesus Christ, a medically retired Marine, EOD Tech, writer, mountain biker, photographer, facilitator, and fly-fisherman. He seeks to bridge the civilian – military divide and bring hope through honest communication about difficult issues.