A Mental Grenade is a thought or idea that can break through blocks and barriers, can ignite a fire of conversation or creativity, or simply blow your mind. I often grenade conversations; occasionally people ask me to. It’s ironic to hand someone a Mental Grenade (MG); they often just stare until it goes off. I don’t enjoy… no, that’s a lie- I enjoy doing this. God gave me the ability to listen, question, and care. These may sound quite opposed to my previous statements but often an MG is exactly what is required to break down the walls blocking us from the truth. Is it more caring to tell your friend they have food on their shirt or let them make a bad impression for the rest of the day? Increasing the intensity- is it ok to let your friend live in a lie or self deception? If the truth, spoken in love at that time, is important it needs to be said despite the risk. We’re becoming soft as a nation, afraid of offending others. We need truth not propaganda! We need love, caring, and serving others rather than the social media / selfie generation.
Last year I was approached in a parking lot by a college-aged female wielding a clipboard. She requested permission to ask a few questions and out of curiosity I obliged. When the first question was whether I voted for a particular candidate in the last election I knew this was going to be interesting. The survey I was asked to participate in was multiple choice only. The questions were loaded and the answers were limited so that the collected data would support the jaded agenda she wanted to present as “research.” As each question and set of answers was presented I was saddened that the queue of available responses was so shallow. When she asked me for my answer of A, B, C, or D I always gave an E with a lengthy explanation. Don’t let people put you in a box. Drop an MG and change the situation. No one is purely objective. We are all biased by our nature, nurture, present circumstances, and mood. I won’t claim to be “fair and balanced” or unbiased but I come to you with pure intentions. The intent of MG is to discuss real issues, shine a light in dark places, give veterans and first responders a voice, and bring hope wherever possible. You will read not only personal stories of service and sacrifice, current adventures, random thoughts, but also issues relevant to veterans and the nation in general.
Welcome to Mental Grenade.

Drew founded Mental Grenade Jan 2020. He is a follower of Jesus Christ, a medically retired Marine, EOD Tech, husband, father, writer, mountain biker, photographer, facilitator, and fly-fisherman. He seeks to bridge the civilian – military divide and bring hope through honest communication about difficult issues.
These Veteran stories of struggle, adventure, and post traumatic growth need to be heard!
Join the cause to de-stigmatize mental health issues.
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October 30, 2020 03:45💬
😮📢🔊 🤔
(My illustration of emojis having a Mental Grenade dropped on them.)
Art Murphy Junior
November 2, 2020 10:14Trying to post comment
November 2, 2020 10:26You succeeded!
March 5, 2020 15:04Here is a thought. In the military we had a purpose, whether it was mopping a deck or training to be an operator. Our task at that time was important to us.
Once a person leaves the military finding their purpose is a mission in its self. It is not easy trying to fit in a job, or laugh at someone’s joke at work that you can’t stand. So how do we overcome this task of finding our purpose again?
March 6, 2020 16:30Stew, that’s a great question. I think the two biggest questions to an service member transitioning into the veteran world are: 1. Who am I now ?(What is my identity) and 2. What am I supposed to do with myself? (What is my purpose). These aren’t specific to the veteran world but rather questions that all humanity wrestles with. Knowing your identity and purpose are key to a fulfilled life.
Identity: 1. who or what somebody/something is 2. the characteristics, feelings or beliefs that make people different from others
For the veteran who joined early in life, the final formative years were shaped by an organization which provided a blueprint for the identity they wished you to assume. After exiting the armed services, free will and the lack of direction (orders) can leave a person rudderless, adrift in a sea of choices. What do you believe or hold strong convictions about? What we do is not who we are. The world wants us to label ourselves- I’m an alcoholic, I’m a murder, I’m a football player. God wants us to identify ourselves intrinsically. (belonging to or part of the real nature of something/somebody) I’m of the opinion that if you search for what you believe- the principles that you are willing to bleed and die for, you will find your identity. It is formed from things internal and external.
Purpose: the intention, aim or function of something; the thing that something is supposed to achieve
When you are secure in your identity I hope that your purpose becomes clear. We need people of passion, those that know what they believe in and are willing to fight to make the world a better place. Purpose and identity are linked in my mind. When I found my identity in Christ, I understood why I went through the things I did. They were preparation to serve in my current capacity. I am to listen, to learn, and to speak out for others, especially the misunderstood combat veteran.
Art Murphy Junior
November 1, 2020 12:00Drew