Buckle up, I’m all over the place here:

Lately, people of influence have been decisively amplified or silenced depending on their stance regarding certain issues. Credible individuals have been demonized and “canceled” for going against “the narrative.”

It seems that independent thought and questioning (fundamental tenets of science) are to be eschewed (deliberately avoided or abstained from). Educating the masses requires the shaming and shunning of those who disagree with the point you’re trying to make.

To me, if you have to put others and their ideas down to prove your own, your point is weak (and you are).

The prefixes “mis” and “dis” are now constantly attached to “information” and we are to be afraid of someone who is said to be spreading it. Mis/Dis apparently is a solid reason for censorship?!

What is a justifiable use of censorship?
(Feel free to tell me in the comments section)

Are all ideas valid? Should people of all ages be engaging with all types of information?


Kids should be learning the basics of education. Math, language, science, logic/reasoning; we need to be teaching kids how to THINK, not WHAT to think. I will always say that there are age appropriate times to release information. Kids can’t understand complex concepts at a young age with an undeveloped mind.


I desperately want you to think for yourself. A blog is an opinion, sometimes backed up by facts. NEWS is supposed to be facts.
News is what happened, not what you think of what happened, not what might be true. 24 hr news is BS.

When you ingest the 24hr news cycle, you get angry, depressed, and focus on everything that is wrong, that divides us. I have many friends in their recovery journey that have seen ENORMOUS gains when they stopped ingesting “news.”

It has become fashionable and popular to be outraged that someone would think differently than you. You are now given license to publicly call people racist, bigot, anti-science, dangerous, crazy, hateful, etc. Then, you are cheered for passing out these labels! Why?!

Let your opinions be known! You are righteous, the standard bearer of all that is good… but there is no objective truth, just “your truth” and “my truth.” Right?


If you followed previous research and applied the scientific method, you came up with different conclusions about the recent pandemic than the national consensus. In a time of confusion, dealing with a novel health crisis, people wanted reassurance more than reason. Fight or flight is a state where most people don’t operate on logic.

Induce enough fear and you can convince someone of almost anything. Many organizations use stress to break down the mind so that they can condition their people. The military is a classic example of that.

In time, you can realize that you were conditioned. It takes much longer after that realization to break free of it, though. Often, it’s painful to admit that someone manipulated you into believing something. We want to believe we are strong, intelligent, righteous individuals. The sad reality is that we are often weak, easily confused, selfish mobs.

The biological imperative of survival causes us to work in groups. The sum productivity and intelligence of a group can be far superior to an isolated individual IF persons are thinking for themselves and making worthwhile contributions to the collective. The key to keeping it productive and intelligent is that EACH person must be educated on how to think/reason/solve problems and then be willing to respectfully disagree.

Respect is now demanded by people who don’t give it. Can we all just agree to stop yelling and start listening?
No? Ok, it was a long shot, but I had to ask.


Just by writing instead of doing a video, I am making my voice quieter. At least it feels that way. Reading takes more effort and it seems less people are choosing to do it. In fact, “doing your own research” is vehemently mocked by public figures who are trying to condition you to think what they want you to. They might not even agree with what they are saying- they just want YOU to think and believe it.

The American people paid their government to investigate the sitting president based on a document that the FBI knew wasn’t true. Despite knowing the Steele dossier lacked veracity, the government spent between $20-35 million dollars investigating. They perpetuated information they knew wasn’t true. The agencies of government and news repeated the lies for years.

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas LIED about his own people, saying that Boarder Patrol agents whipped migrants when in fact, there were emails proving he knew they did not do it, before he made that public statement.
It is NOT ok to lie, especially when it ruins someone else’s life and reputation, to prove your point.
Even if you think your cause is righteous and “good” will be the outcome-
don’t lie.

The end does not justify the means.

Scientist and politicians knew the virus was likely from the VIRAL lab that was right there. They chose what to say based on what was easy for them. No one is excited about being scrutinized, but if you live a life of integrity, you can certainly withstand it.

“Lab-Leak Intelligence Reports Aren’t Scientific Conclusions”

Scientific American

You cannot prove history with science. Intel is not science. Just because something is not “scientific” doesn’t make it untrue.

Science: the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation, experimentation, and the testing of theories against the evidence obtained.

Science is supposed to be an objective way of thinking. If it’s clouded by thoughts of power or money, it is not objective. Science is a discipline- a process by which things are constantly tested. Even “facts” that have remained for hundreds of years can be proven false by new methods of testing or discovered data points. The beauty of science is that it’s OK to be wrong. You adjust and continue.

The science is NEVER decided.


No one person can “be science.” All scientists should be spokespersons for the objectivity that comprises the “scientific method.” Trying to silence a dissenting opinion in the scientific community weakens your findings. It’s like you’re saying- my evidence isn’t enough on its own.

Decide for yourself

A degree means very little these days and yet people seem to be putting more emphasis on credentials all the time.

“What makes you qualified to speak on this topic?”

In certain circumstances that seems like a valid question. HOWEVER, it’s being used to invalidate substantial points made against the group think. Let’s stop trying to invalidate the person and consider the merits of their idea. You don’t have to be trained in a specific discipline to have a brilliant idea about it.

Yeah, not all opinions are worthwhile. I get it. Telling an engineer that you can fix the crack in a bridge with chewed gum is…. well, hopefully a joke.
Conversely, telling an intelligent person that their idea is stupid simply because they don’t hold an advanced degree in that specific field is called: credentialism. It’s a form of discrimination.

Just Wait

For what? The truth to set me free? How can it if my truth isn’t yours? If there is no objective truth there is no right and wrong. If there is no objective standard, why are we hating on each other so much? We can ALL be right! Or maybe, no one can.

Humanity needs to stop worrying about BEING right and start working toward DOING right. But what IS right? You have to base your life on a standard. Something objective, immutable. I personally choose the Bible. It’s a document that has been proven many times over. Some of you are shaking your head yes, others are laughing. You are entitled to your opinion but be able to intelligently back it up.

The principles of the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution are timeless. The words ring true with what should be, even if it wasn’t the reality of the time when it was written.

The ideas of a person can still be valid and good, even if the person is flawed and doing bad things. The substance of an idea stands alone, apart from the character of the individual who put it forth (unless in context it is used to achieve an unwholesome goal?).

The idea above is good. It still holds merit despite the fact that the founders of the best country on Earth were flawed humans, some who owned slaves.

Do your own research. The internet is a vast repository of information and needs to be fact checked (by you), not filtered. If you are really open minded you will often disprove the thing you started out to confirm. Be willing to challenge your own beliefs and the prevailing expert opinion if it doesn’t make sense. Don’t do it just to be a contrarian, but to find the truth.

Just wait, truth will win out in the end.

-Drew Out.

Drew founded Mental Grenade Jan 2020. He is a follower of Jesus Christ, a medically retired Marine, EOD Tech, husband, father, writer, mountain biker, photographer, facilitator, and fly-fisherman. He seeks to bridge the civilian – military divide and bring hope through honest communication about difficult issues.

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