November 17 Update:
Some payments DID post and Stripe sent me the money before I knew it. I just logged in and processed refunds for the 15 orders that made it through. It will take a few days for the refund to process because I don’t keep any money in the account, so I had to transfer money TO the account for Stripe to process the refunds. The system said it will take 1-7 days for the transfer from my bank to them.
I was going to email the people who I refunded and then realized that the emails don’t necessarily correspond to the individuals who were defrauded. All the emails were “”.
When I emailed one individual yesterday I was informed that it was the wrong person and that they lived on a different continent than the billing address. I am looking through my inbox to try and find the Contact Forms that were filled out on the website by people so I can respond in that way but it’s a slow going process to delete all this mail.
Again, I’m sorry this happened to you and I know you take no solace in the fact that it wasn’t me who did it but I’m trying to make it right; just please be patient with me. I’m not a retailer, website admin, banker, or big time anything. I’m just a writer who’s trying to make a difference.
I lost about $20 in the process from fees but it’s worth it to make you whole.
The honest people lose when criminals do their thing. Think about how much money is spent in the court system just in the proceedings BEFORE someone is found guilty or innocent. Then, if they are guilty, the tax payers are then footing the bill for clothing, housing, food, education.
Do the right thing because it’s the right thing to do.
In the last 24 hours, some nefarious entity has used my web-store to test hundreds of stolen credit card numbers.

Please contact your financial institutions and report the illegal use of your card/account. Contest the charges.
I do NOT have anyone’s money. Stripe (the online credit card processing system) detected the fraud and prevented the transfer of funds to my account.

I am saddened that this has happened to you. I commiserate, as this has happened to me several times in the past.
My email looks like this (but to the 10th power):

I have scores of pages of this in my now hyper-congested inbox.
I apologize for not being able to respond to all of you who have reached out. This technological world makes things easier AND much harder. Please talk to your bank or credit card company to dispute the charges. Again, I have no funds to refund.

Drew founded Mental Grenade Jan 2020. He is a follower of Jesus Christ, a medically retired Marine, EOD Tech, husband, father, writer, mountain biker, photographer, facilitator, and fly-fisherman. He seeks to bridge the civilian – military divide and bring hope through honest communication about difficult issues.
These Veteran stories of struggle, adventure, and post traumatic growth need to be heard!
Join the cause to de-stigmatize mental health issues.
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