Don’t wait for the special occasions. Don’t save or hold on to something for some significant event in the future. Just don’t. Wear the jewelry, say I love you, live. We don’t know how much time we have left. I beg you to not waste it.
The gift

Ten years ago this summer, my grandma shared this wisdom with me when she gifted me a ring my grandpa had made for her. To clarify, he bought the stones & then had the ring made for their 50th wedding anniversary. It’s beautiful & a symbol of his love for her. I honestly don’t know how many times she actually wore it because when I got it, there were no scratches on the underside of the band. It looked brand new, like she had never worn it.
Let’s back up a little, my grandparents met at an Army dance. My grandpa was in his uniform & grandma in a cranberry dress. He swept her off her feet both literally & figuratively. I don’t remember how soon after that my grandpa proposed, but I do know they were married on January 15, 1943. I also know that my grandma was a rebel & wore a beautiful velvet dress on her wedding day that was the same color as the dress she met him in. Yeah, she was pretty cool.
Life moves fast
Over the years they brought three boys into the world. They moved both across the country & within Massachusetts. I have nothing but respect for my grandparents because I guarantee my dad was a handful. Honestly, I only have one boy & am substantially bigger than my tiny grandma, yet somehow she managed to raise all three of them. Hats off to her! I’m so impressed.
I know firsthand just how quickly time has flown by. Sometimes I question the year, the day, the hour, all because it just can’t be 2022. Today I realized that it’s been 22 YEARS since we lost grandpa & only 8 since we lost grandma, yet it doesn’t feel more than a year or two. Heck, my “baby” boy is 14 now & my girls are 17 & 19. Where did all the years go? My babies can’t be that big. I can’t be that old & yet, they are & I am. Time doesn’t slow down. Not for you, not for me, not for anyone or anything. Don’t waste it.
The lesson
Back to the lesson, back to the ring. I wear it almost daily & I always think of them both when I pull it out of that little velvet box. It reminds me to be present & not put off things or wait for the “perfect” time. The time will never be perfect, but the perfect time can be now. Don’t wait. I beg of you…don’t wait.

Who is Erika E?
Erika is a 6-year Army vet turned IT geek who drinks copious amounts of coffee & isn’t afraid of struggle. When she’s not working, she loves writing, reading, & NOT arithmetic (but can calculate as needed). Oh, & as you’ll see from her posts, she doesn’t shy away from tough topics.
Got a story you want to share? Email her at
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Bill Brockman
June 13, 2022 12:21Thank you fro reminding me to be “present”.Our little family, my wife, son, 2 cats, a bird, and myself, just lost a big part of our lives this past wee. Our dog, Fred, passed away in our van as we were rushing him to the hospital. He was a big dog, 110 lbs. His stomach had flipped and cut off all circulation.
The hospital gave us a clay impression of his paw. My wife and son printed his name and years, 14-22, on it before they baked it. It is a reminder to me that life is very short. That I need to make the most of every day that I have.
I really appreciate the stories as they help me to navigate through my daily struggle.
October 26, 2022 14:01Bill, Thanks for reading. I’m sorry to hear about your dog, I know what it is to love a K-9 deeply.
P.J. Hughes
June 2, 2022 10:11Be present!!