Food again: a jerky like piece of red meat and boiled potatoes. Two bottles of water this time and I’m careful not to repeat my previous mistake. When they came with it, I tried to...
It only takes a few moments to be dragged back to my cell. Thankfully they locked the crook of their elbows into my armpits because my wrists are both raw. Unfortunately it also kept me...
< previous I don’t want to turn around. I expect to see or hear something but I don’t. Anxiety mounts and causes one side of the internal argument to win. I turn my head but...
Previous: Prison of the Mind 1 I open my eyes but it’s still dark. There’s some ambient light from the window so it’s not causing panic at the moment. My body is stiff on the...
Light strobes my mind as eyes flutter open. Constricted pupils see nothing but vague shadows and outlines. The singular ray of sunshine casts a garish spotlight on this tragedy and I, the lead, have forgotten...
Are we all COVID Crazy? For some, this is a huge life shift! Everyday life doesn’t suffer from many disruptions. Many live close to where they grew up. They say moving is a very stressful...
I thought I would share with you another short story I wrote almost a year ago. The Demon Hammer On the heels of one of the greatest disasters recorded in history, a bystander claimed her...
Not long after we established our Combat Outpost in the Helmand river valley of Afghanistan, one of the Humvees assigned to a supporting Combined Anti-Armor Team struck an Improvised Explosive Device. Two Marines were immediately...
Mitzy the dog knew how to moon-walk, it was her only claim to fame. She spent a few years touring the networks until no one cared anymore. It was as simple as that- one day...
Silence is powerful. Silence can feel like: something bad is about to happen, a blessing to find some sanity, or it could just be awkward. Make peace with silence. Words are often hollow and rarely...
Shoulder to shoulder, knee to knee. The heat is overwhelming and several people are fighting back vomit. My pack, like everyone else’s, is in my lap and I rest my head on it. The air...
If I could only be like I was before. I know I’ve thought that. Loss, we feel it all the time- more than we acknowledge. Loss can be something as simple as finishing that amazing...