How could a loving God… Why doesn’t God… Where was He when…The internal debate we have with ourselves invariably includes questions of these types. They are the hardest questions. Ones I wrestled with for years....
I have times where I feel like the bottom drops out. There are days where a deficiency plagues me. Struggling to find balance, the darkness weighs me down. A few days ago I ran some...
How many years have you been telling yourself that you'll eat healthier, lose weight, and start working out this year? That's rhetorical, don't answer that....
Two years post retirement, I was sitting in the back of my drafting class listening to the young people. I couldn’t relate. What was important, perspective on current events, and the exploits of free time...
The temperature is falling and cooler weather makes the tractor a hard start. Honestly I don’t know if it has glow plugs (there’s no light on the dash) but the dealer has a part number...