On the way to somewhere, I found myself along the road. Did I find myself or the path? Don’t sprint to the destination. When you get there, you’ll find somewhere else you need to be....
How could a loving God… Why doesn’t God… Where was He when…The internal debate we have with ourselves invariably includes questions of these types. They are the hardest questions. Ones I wrestled with for years....
When things break who really fixes them?
America was built on hustle. If you've built a business you probably had to project things in a better light than they were. All's well that ends well?...
I have times where I feel like the bottom drops out. There are days where a deficiency plagues me. Struggling to find balance, the darkness weighs me down. A few days ago I ran some...
I was recently invited to speak to a high school psychology class (over Zoom) about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. I take pleasure speaking to youth that are willing to listen. Dispelling myths and expressing truth...
How many years have you been telling yourself that you'll eat healthier, lose weight, and start working out this year? That's rhetorical, don't answer that....
Some embrace the joy of the season and celebrate, others struggle deeply. The reasons for either seem deeply rooted. Why does it seem like joy can be so easily switched to sorrow but not the...