I’ve been trying to get some writing done but nothing has made it to final editing.
Time has been constantly flowing but my perception is that it’s moving at 2x speed. I hold a Thursday night Zoom every week at 8pm Eastern. It’s a place where Vets and Civilians can discuss issues of temporal and eternal importance. It exists under the ministry FOB (Fundamentals of Biblical) Truth. It’s 9 min till I open that room and I just closed up the garage and got set for the next few hours of fellowship/discipleship. I spent the hour before that helping my son with his homework. Before that dinner prep, before that mowing.
I’ve been reading a few books lately. The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk M.D.; a book on Mountain Biking skills, an old Dilbert comic book entitled, “I feel a coldness to your mentoring.” I’ve also been watching/listening to a fair amount of Jordan Peterson lately.
I’ve gotten in a few MTB rides but not nearly as many as I would like. I rebuilt Misty’s old mountain bike over the last few weeks. It still needs a shake down ride… maybe tomorrow?
I wish I could wax eloquent but I’m operating in efficiency mode. It’ll be a late night and an early morning taking my daughter to school for a club meeting before the first bell. I wish you all well and pray that each of you find yourself growing closer to God each day. If you don’t believe in God, that’s fine; He believes in You!
-Drew OUT!