Welcome to YEAR 3 of Mental Grenade! I’m excited to be on this journey with you.

This post is self promotion and begging.
please Help a brother out
The last two years…
I give heartfelt appreciation to everyone who has been a reader and supported me during the beginning stages of this blogging journey. Hopefully something that has been said here has resonated with you. A huge thank you to my wife, Misty, for pushing me to expand my horizons, and an eternal thank you to Jesus Christ for the salvation of my soul.
Subscribe, Share, Like
If you haven’t subscribed to the blog, PLEASE do so HERE. Once you’ve submitted your email, please check your inbox for an email confirming your subscription through clicking the provided link. If you don’t follow the link, you’re not actually subscribed.
Don’t see it?
Check your bulk/spam folder.
Liked us on Facebook? Now’s your chance, do it HERE. I am trying different social media platforms but none bring as much traffic to my content as Facebook. If you’d like to connect professionally, find me on LinkedIn. I am on other platforms: (Instagram, Twitter, GETTR, MEWE, Reddit) some of these I JUST started to check out but it takes too much time away from writing. If anyone would like to volunteer (sorry, can’t afford to pay!) to distribute/share Mental Grenade posts EVERYWHERE, that would be greatly appreciated and save me a lot of time and money. HA! Even just one share with a friend would be appreciated. I’m trying to help normalize the conversation about mental health and get people to see things from a different perspective.
Fighting to be seen
Facebook has been reducing the circulation of smaller organizations. Apparently the algorithm (See the META statement HERE) reduces the visibility of posts connected to websites that get more traffic from Facebook circulation than they do organically. This kills the little guys like Mental Grenade! I don’t have an advertising budget and I refuse to start putting ads on this site. You don’t want watered down content or have to scroll through ad after ad.
It’s hard enough to hold anyone’s attention long enough to present a logical point, much less get them to start thinking critically. I’m sure if you had to scroll through an advertisement for adult diapers, you wouldn’t bother to finish reading this post. A friend directed me to another military related site where many warrior leaders contribute. The article I chose had an ad between every paragraph. Despite being interested in the topic, I stopped reading and clicked away.
I won’t be that, I refuse. YOU DESERVE BETTER.
I want to apologize. If you’ve used the contact form over the last two years, chances are extremely high that you did not receive a response. It wasn’t until recently I learned the form was not functioning as designed. I just thought no one was contacting me; I see now that is not the case. The form is now functional. Please contact us with relevant and worthwhile feedback and requests. Messages will be answered if a response is deemed necessary.
My laptop is dead. I’m raising funds to replace it. I’m also looking to buy a new camera and accessories to increase the production value of the blog. Instead of buying that $5 Starbucks coffee or a beer at the bar, donate a few bucks to Mental Grenade. It would mean SO much to have your support.
Please click the button below!
Right Now use code “UPGRADE” to receive 20% off your order and “Free Ship” for free shipping on orders over $50
Sale ends Feb 14th!

If you’d like to support Mental Grenade and also “advertise” for us, please visit the STORE and purchase a hoodie, shirt (long or short sleeve), or stickers. The hoodies / shirts come in black or olive drab (military green). I’m currently working on getting more 2XL back in stock, so if you’re looking for something specific, use the contact form.

A story to tell
Have a story you think should be told? Know someone I should interview? I will consider work for publication through Mental Grenade on a case by case basis. Use the contact form and get the process started!
Thanks again!
-Drew OUT!